I take it to the pan to rinse the
Little sto’ways from the daily grind
In order to make it though the day
Its not that the French Press is broken
But microbial colonization
Cowboy cowboy coffee coffee
Gets me goin always goin
Cowboy coffee cowboy coffee
Pour me that plastic cup of pure joy
With grounds and all the real essence
This buckaroo takes the hardest stuff
There’s always plenty left in the pot
But don’t look twice ‘cuz now its all gone
Cowboy cowboy coffee coffee
Gets me goin always goin
Cowboy coffee cowboy coffee
Gets me going all the time
Doesn’t keep me on time
‘Cuz its making the world go round
Just like Vanport Carousels
Gets me goin always goin
Cowboy cowboy coffee coffee
Cowboy coffee cowboy coffee
Be careful easy rider take it
Strong and dark without reservations
Get goin and make it through the day
Just break the French press and keep the pot
Because because it’s the very best
Cowboy cowboy coffee coffee
Cowboy coffee cowboy coffee
Get me goin
Get you goin
Get Kanzi goin
Gets everyone goin
Cowboy coffee cowboy coffee
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