For those who don't know, I didn't begin running until late 2008. A Peace Corps Volunteer in Uganda, Michelle, had suggested that anyone could run a marathon, therefore, training commenced. Training ended a couple months later with a week of gluttonous behavior during an inservice conference, but my curiosity of the activity didn't diminish. Seven years later I find myself looking ahead to 2016 to run my first 100 miler if I get selected in a lottery. That said, I have been absent from this blog over the past few months, partially due to my transition from Portland, Oregon to Minneapolis. I'm providing a brief overview of the events I've participated in since the Beacon Rock 50k, which I posted about June 19h, and will be posting soon on my next race which is tomorrow, Saturday, October 24th, the Surf the Murph 50k in Savage, Minnesota.
June 20th: White Salmon Backyard Half Marathon

Ultimately, I love this race because it is donation-based. That does NOT mean that one should not pay. That means one should pay. The proceeds go to the White Salmon Columbia High School Cross Country Boosters, and the majority of the race volunteers are the high school cross country youth and/or their family. I'd run this in the future if I were you.
July 31st-Augst 1st: Cascade Lakes Relay

October 2nd-3rd: Ragnar Relay Cumberland, Maryland - Washington DC
My first Ragnar Relay and it definitely won't be my last—and that's not just because nuun is a sponsor for Ragnar Relays! I flew in to DC and soon our first Ragnar team headed northwest toward our hotel for the night. I hadn't realized that none of the other 11 runners on our team had run a relay race such as this before. I tell you, they were all rockstars and am excited to jump in with this hodgepodge team again. I say hodgepodge because I was the dude flying in from Minneapolis, we had a couple others drop out and had to find replacements last minute, and the team came together like glucose/fructose-electrolyte mixture burst to the inside of a pocket.
It was great seeing nuun at the start/finish/major exchange(s) and to also introduce nuun to a lot of my team. Many folks hadn't heard of it, and nuun definitely powered many of us through the nearly 200 miles of horrible weather that Maryland and DC had in store for us as Hurricane Joaquin was debating making landfall.
October 24th: Surf the Murph 50k
I will be breaking in a brand new pair of Altra Lone Peak 2.5 which I am excited for. Oddly enough, I'm not concerned about never having worn them before. I will be bringing along my trust ol' Montrail Mountain Masochist II for my drop bag though. My selection of food is not what I'm used to. While I will have my nuun and plus for nuun with me on the trail, I failed to purchase any Shot Bloks or Clif Shots, which are typically my go to...I guess I'll just have to stomach a random assortment tomorrow.
I admit that I have not been training as well as I would have liked. Moving to Minneapolis, working, at times, nearly full time, and being a full time student, the time I devoted to training was not as great as I would have liked it to be. That said, I do feel prepared for tomorrow, and I am excited. And I am supposed to hit the trail in 7.5 I should probably get some shut eye. Race report on Surf the Murph will be coming in the next week.
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