Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Part of the Nuuniverse + Plus for Nuun + Smith Rock Ascent 50k Preview

So after a long wait, our individual Team Nuun profile pages on the Nuun website went live!  This is very exciting to me, but not just because I'm on the 'Nuuniverse' now, but to also see all the other incredible folks working so hard to improve themselves through such a diverse range of activities!  While I've had opportunities to connect with folks here in the Portland, Oregon area over the past few months that are huge advocates of Nuun, and ultimately healthy-living through their activities (and of course properly staying hydrated), it is fantastic to be even more connected to folks across the country!

One of the fantastic benefits of Nuun historically is it's low caloric profile.  Now Nuun has come out with plus for nuun, which is an additional tablet that can be added to any of the other nuun tablets to introduce carbohydrates to one's workout.  Give it a go-I've given it a massive thumbs up after my inaugural trial.  Not only did I feel hydrated, and replenished from depleting my electrolyte levels, I was less fatigued throughout my training run and felt I was able to balance on the other foods that I would typically consume during a run by having a level of carbohydrates to slowly introduce in to my body.
plus for nuun, nuun energy, nuun active, and nuun all day.  Each product serves such a different purpose, sometimes within a single day depending on the level of activies

Smith Rock Ascent 50k-May 9th 2015 (preview)

I'm getting pretty darn stoked for this weekend.  Brendan Soule and I will be heading out to Redmond on Thursday, May 7th to begin our adjustment to Central Oregon in preparation for the Smith Rock Ascent 50k.  This trail combines 50k (31 miles) of trails around Oregon's Smith Rock State park while gaining approximately 4100ft of elevation throughout the course.  Please do cheer us on from your couch, or your car, or your weekend getaway, or really wherever you may be!  Look out for a race review some time next week!  A link to the race website is below if you are curious:

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