I ate a peach today. I bought it for 40 pence. A strong desire to try to bargain the price of the peach down crossed my mind. I didn't say a word though; I paid the 40 pence, said 'Thank you' and proceeded to happily eat my peach—just the way I like it (tart and under-ripe)...well I'm not in Kansas, uhh, Uganda anymore. I don't remember when the last time I ate a peach was. It is quite possible that I consumed at least part of a peach in Kampala within the last 2 years, but if I did indeed eat one it was surely soft, lacking flavor and somewhere in the ballpark of 5,000 Ugandan shillings.
Starbucks...yeah I know, it's Starbucks, but take away whatever reservations/feelings you have towards Starbucks. Yes, I drink coffee in Uganda quite often whether it be freeze dried, french press or espresso in Kampala, it was black drip coffee—from Starbucks—warming my hands, because to me, London is damn cold! I had two shirts, a sweatshirt and a jacket...I could have used another layer. This is the coldest whether I have encountered since February of 2008 when I was in Brussels enroute to Uganda.
McDonalds is amazing! No, I didn't eat anything from McDonalds but I did utilize their clean restroom and threw my Starbucks cup in to their rubbish receptacle. I have passed by many McDonalds restaurants and simply can not get myself to order anything. Not that I ate at McDonalds on any sort of regular basis prior to going to Uganda, but there are times in Uganda that I crave that Big Mac, and now that I can have it I just don't want it!
...no more matooke...no more posho...no more matatus...no more foam mattresses...no more Lusoga...no more mosquito net...no more Eagle...no more cockroaches (for the most part)...no more pit latrines......for the next 3 months at least.
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