Saturday, May 26, 2012

Soundtrack of My Morning: Manchester by Kishi Bashi

Listen: Manchester by Kishi Bashi

The strings fluttering under your feet you float amidst the leaves and blooms of spring.  Over the treetops and play grounds of your child hood you can almost see yourself.  Down the slide, upon the swings, and the blurring merry-go-round your knees buckle under the weight of those you've carried along your same path.  Don't be shy those same loves are there to pick you up and bandage your fleeting spirit.  Though at first glance this story may appear cliché or common, don't you worry, it is the most unique story ever told.  The life and emotions are the most real and should never be brushed away nor forgotten.  Feel alive and fling yourself to the gusts taking you to new heights.

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