I know I know I know...you all think that I have simply ran away to another country and just forgotten about you, but that could be further from the truth! I will leave this short (I feel like I always say that) and just give you a few snippets of what's been going on, as I woke this morning at 4am to reach Kampala and it is 12.30pm now and I have only had 2 cups of coffee, a fruit leather thingy, like 4 cubes (size of dice) of mango, two fingerfuls of peanut butter and a bite of a nutrition bar. Although that seems like a lot, it has put me in to a frame of mind where work is not priority in my mind...food is! So anyways, now I am lost, I do not know what to say, other than I am going to put a few pictures on here now. Honestly the highlight of the past few weeks was the election though! Such an incredible experience. I had spent it with a number of other volunteers, watching and staying up and it was a surreal expereince to see so many faces identical, tearing up and a look of star-struck awe in their eyes! Unbelievable! Anyways remember these few sites to check out if you really miss me:
http://danielkoza.blogspot.com/ <
https://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=resources.donors.contribute.projDetail&projdesc=617-045 <
http://www.cheese.com/ <
So again no new lengthy letter from me, but here are a few snaps which I have deemed significant over the past few months...
http://danielkoza.blogspot.com/ <
https://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=resources.donors.contribute.projDetail&projdesc=617-045 <
http://www.cheese.com/ <
So again no new lengthy letter from me, but here are a few snaps which I have deemed significant over the past few months...